Corporate Identity is the visual image that symbolizes intensively for UNION image,
the most important basic elements are core of the identity representation.

Meaning of the CI

UNION's willingness and commitment to customer satisfaction
Blue color of background means “ Sky and Land “. Oval border of gold means “Assembly”and
word mark’s gold color(UNION) means union or assembly.
UNION's CI means that parts made by UNION's excellent technology is applied to worldwide
electronic products and then we plays a role in improving the customer brand value.
Futhermore, it has been reflected in the Global Image outgoing UNION is constantly stretched in the world.

Color System

As representative elements, it is principle that gold oval
and word mark on blue background

Pantone 280 c
rgb / R25 g44 b116
cmyk / c100 m97 y37 k1

Pantone 219 c
rgb / R234 g189 b39
cmyk / c14 m30 y87 k0
We can use blue oval and wordmark on white background

rgb / R255 g255 b255
cmyk / c0 m0 y0 k0

Pantone 280 c
rgb / R25 g44 b116
cmyk / c100 m97 y37 k1


Signature is the most basic elements of a rational word mark and logo type of the UNION and will systematically combined and the most effective means to recognize the image of the Union both internally and externally. If you use a signature it must be used according to rules set forth below.
  • English + Korean's word mark
  • Symbol + English(Informality word mark)
  • Symbol + English + English word mark
  • Background + Symbol + Korean's word mark
  • Background + Symbol + English
    (Informality word mark)
  • Background + Symbol + Korean
    (Informality word mark)

Graphic Motif

"Trust towards customer" The light of Trust

The Graphic Motif, which is the design system developed to illustrate UNION's
differentiated and original brand identity and to effectively deliver UNION's will
with sincere 'trust', underscores the 'light of trust'. The Graphic Motif can be used in
various forms according to the media being used, and copy texts and the logo can
adhere to the Graphic Motif.